Freddie Winter is one of the best slalom waterskiers in the world

Watch: How Winter Got Banned From the Masters | Grab Matters


How He Got Banned From the Masters | Freddie Winter

Grab Matters

Freddie Winter is one of the best slalom waterskiers in the world, and isn’t afraid to stand up for what is right within the sport. Having put his money where his mouth is when it comes to a unified Pro Tour, Freddie is doing a lot for the sport both on the water and behind the scenes. Growing up skiing at Thorpe Lakes in the U.K., Freddie was ecstatic to ski in college in America, and continued to progress his skiing until he became one of slaloms best competitors. Nerdy waterskiers, getting banned from the Masters, the best crasher on tour, Victor Wenbenyama, the Waterski Pro Tour, and what makes TWBC so good. Hear all that and much more in Episode 57 of the Grab Matters Podcast!

The TETONS: Time in Between || FlowPoint TV

Watch: The Tetons – Time in Between | FlowPoint TV


The TETONS: Time in Between || FlowPoint TV

By FlowPoint

Join Marcus Brown on an adventure to Teton National Park, and a journey back through time with good friends and a few glassy turns.

“We are all born with superpowers…often, the hardest part is figuring out what they are. For me, however, I knew from the very beginning….I was born to Serve… by gathering, inspiring and uniting people through shared experiences, all over Mother Earth

I was created just for that very purpose…with the perfect blend of vision and passion…and a little bit of blood, sweat and tears I’m sure… I got to float many waters, teach new skiers and set world records,…but for a while the path forward got rough…and dark. I lost my way.

The world was moving on to brighter and better things…people were forgetting about the classics. But I always believed in my calling… And one day, I was reminded by one human, that it all mattered. That I mattered! And that’s all it took to find my sea legs again!

We are all One, at the deepest level: Because we all come from the Earth…and we’ll all return to the Earth What matters is what we do with the time in between.

The importance of Life doesn’t rest in finding a meaning or a purpose…meaning and purpose spring forth, out of those moments where we have an Experience of BEING ALIVE!

And that is what this revival story is… My story about helping folks find their own Experience of Being Alive… And in the process,…I rediscovered my own meaning and purpose for living, once again.” – Lil’ Lady